


大学发明家是研究人员, 教员, and students who are responsible for creating new technologies and innovations within universities. 这些人在广泛的领域进行研究, 包括科学, 工程, 医学, 人文学科, 他们的工作可以导致新产品的开发, 服务, and techniques that have the potential to benefit society in a variety of ways.

University inventors typically work in collaboration with other researchers and 教员, 他们通常可以使用最先进的设备, 设施, 以及支持他们工作的资金. 除了进行研究, 许多大学里的发明家也教课和指导学生, 帮助培养下一代研究人员和创新者.

University inventors play a critical role in the technology transfer process, by creating new technologies that can be licensed or transferred to the private sector for commercialization. Technology transfer offices (TTOs) at universities work closely with inventors to help identify and develop commercially viable technologies and to assist in the process of bringing those technologies to market.

It’s important to note that the university inventors are also responsible for protecting their Intellectual Property rights, 通过申请专利, 商标及版权, 并确保遵守法规和法律. They also have to comply with the University policies and procedures when it comes to the commercialization of their invention.



Any publication, published abstract, or public presentation of an invention prior to filing a U.S. patent application may destroy your ability to obtain patents in most foreign countries.

JSU policy requires its employees and students to disclose inventions. As soon as you believe that you have a potentially patentable invention, contact Almesha L. 坎贝尔, 技术转移主任, 商业化和研究交流, 谁来解释JSU的技术转移过程. 您将被要求填写一份发明披露表, 哪些提供了评估可专利性的必要信息, inventorship, 对研究发起人的义务, 以及其他重要信息.

It is imperative that information pertaining to an invention be kept confidential until a patent application is filed. 在出版之前, talking to potential investors or making a public presentation on an invention contact the IP manager. Disclosure of invention to individuals outside the University could result in the loss of patent rights.



A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted to an inventor by the Government. This right gives the inventor the opportunity to “exclude others from making, using or selling the invention” for a term of 20 years from the date of filing the application. 作为这段时间的独家经营权的回报, the inventor must disclose the details of the invention so that others may seek improvements or new uses.



Determining who is named as an inventor on a patent is a legal decision rather than a choice made among participants. Only those individual(s) who furnish an idea can be named as inventor(s). An inventor is the one who first conceives of the invention in sufficient detail that someone skilled in the art could reproduce the invention. 如果两个或两个以上的人一起工作进行发明, 每个人都参与了这项发明的构思, 他们是共同发明者.



An invention is a discovery or creation of new material (either a new manufactured product or a new composition or matter), 新工艺, 现有材料的新用途, 或者这些的任何改进. 这些发明大多可以申请专利. 然而审美创作, 或者没有特定用途的科学发现, 不能申请专利. 自然界中存在的事物, 哪些是发现的而不是发明的, 违背自然规律的机器, 科学理论或数学方法不能申请专利.


  • is new or “novel”: the invention must never have been made in public in any way, 在任何地方, 在专利申请提出之日以前.
  • involves an inventive or “unobvious” step: this step must not be obvious to others with good knowledge and experience of the subject of the invention.
  • is capable of industrial/useful application: an invention must be capable of being made or used in some kind of industry


Technology transfer and commercialization refer to the process of transferring technology developed in academic or research institutions to the private sector for the purpose of creating a product or service that can be sold in the market. This process involves identifying potential technologies or innovations, 评估它们的商业潜力, and then transferring the technology to a company or entrepreneur who can bring it to market. The goal of technology transfer and commercialization is to promote economic growth and job creation by turning cutting-edge research into commercial products and 服务. 另外, 它有助于新技术的发展, products and 服务 which can be beneficial for society as a whole.



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杰克逊,MS 39217-0280
